

Country/Region: Taiwan
Booth No.: 128
Business Nature: Manufacturer

GeneCodeBiotech Inc. has rich experience in selling biotech products both in Taiwan and overseas, and is familiar with the needs of biotech market customer. The product development towards high quality, high efficiency, affordable prices and also making it more convenient for field operators to use. As to be an urgent detective tool, it can be used to effectively prevent and manage the agricultural/livestock disease infection or spread, reducing greater economic damage. Coupled with developing big data and cloud-based statistical database, a timely monitoring and management system has been developed to drive agricultural/livestock management towards high yield and refinement.
In order to be able to promptly correct products and methods optimization, we built up a clean room laboratory and supplemented by professional R&D personnel and experienced sales personnel, which can better create products that meet the needs of customers and the market. As a result, since 2022, the company has jointly developed with Taiwan universities / bio-companies / government agencies for creating field test reagents that are as sensitive as current detection methods for agricultural and livestock diseases, which is a great blessing for the agricultural and livestock industries.
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