

Show Date: 11-13 June 2025
Venue: ICC Tainan (
No. 3, Guiren 12th Road, Guiren District, Tainan City, Taiwan)
Opening hours: 9:30-17:00 (No entering the venue after 16:45)

Registration counter service hours:
9:30-16:30, 11-12 June 2024
9:30-16:00, 13 June 2024


  • One person one badge. Visitors from same company have to apply for badge individually, or register with group registration.
  • Organiser reserve the rights to grand badge application and refuse person who is not comply with requests and instructions from the onsite staffs to enter in to the exhibition.
  • Pre-registered visitors collect badge with confirmation letter or name card from registration counter
  • Free admission for trade buyers with business cards or invitations.
  • Admission fee for public visitor is NT$350/person.
  • Badge is mandatory during the whole event period.
  • Transfer or forge badge is strictly prohibited.
  • Visitors under age 14 will not be admitted.
  • Disorderly clothes will not be accepted.


  • Please click here for visitor's terms and conditions.


  • On-site Disease Preventative measures: 

In order to prevent the spread of disease, the show organiser is taking the following extra biosecurity measures. Your full cooperation is highly appreciated.  

  1. Foreign attendees must refrain from visiting swine farms 7 days before entry into Taiwan.
  2. It is prohibited to carry pork products into Taiwan. Violators will be fined up to one million NT dollars and prohibited from entering into Taiwan until full payment is made.
  3. Domestic attendees must refrain from visiting overseas swine farms 7 days before entering the exhibition hall. 
  4. During the 3-day event, the organiser has set up biosecurity channels with disinfectant sprays and mats.  All attendees are required to walk through the channel for sanitation purpose. 
  5. Hand sanitizers are available at the entrance to the halls and should be used.
  6. Do not visit any livestock farm or meat processing factory during your stay in Taiwan. 
Visitor admission