

国别/地区: Taiwan
摊位号码: 733
公司性质: Manufacturer




Giant Bio Technology uses the new phytobiotic "Herbmedotcin" technology to extract polyamine antibacterial ingredients from natural plants to solve bacterial problems, including animal breeding, plant cultivation, pet health, personal care, beauty cosmetics, etc. We develop functional feed and water additives in economic animals that reduce disease problems and promote animal growth and health. At the same time, we also independently develop specific disease source detection technology for this purpose, find out the real problem of the disease, reduce damage to the environment, meet human needs and profitable breeding programs, and produce antibiotic-free breeding products that truly meet sustainable development. We use more scientific, safer and more effective technology "Herbmedotcin" to replace antibiotics, nano-metals and chemical preservatives and other substances. In the feed industry, aquaculture, cosmetics industry, and medical and health care industries, we can produce antibiotics, preservatives that meet the substituting products with international trends can truly achieve the goal of being natural and non-toxic but can effectively control microorganisms, allowing consumers to obtain safer and high-quality products, and ultimately contributing to the balance and sustainability of the earth’s natural environment.

1. 安全:天然原料專利加工,不含抗生素等藥用成分,經過 SGS等機構安全測試通過,對生態友善安全。
2. 安定:產品耐熱、耐酸鹼,成分穩定可與任何飼料製程及添加劑相容。
3. 安心:可替代 (減少) 抗生素的使用,提升魚蝦腸胃道健康,增加個體增長率與整體存活率,減少傳染病發生機率。


